Magnets build with Precision and Speed!
Align all parts perfectly on top of your build plans quickly and with ease.

Align all parts perfectly on top of your build plans quickly and with ease.
Using Magnets with a steel build table top is the perfect way to build with precision and speed.
From simple individual Magnets to inventive Magnetic based fixtures - Magnets can assist simple to large, complex builds.
Thunderbolt R/C offers Magnets and Magnetic Fixtures for Building.
The Building Table must be flat and large enough to handle the model you want to build. You'll also need a magnetic (metal) surface to place on top of your building table. Generally, a steel sheet, 1/64" - 1/32" thick (or something between 28 Gauge to 22 Gauge) is perfect. Thunderbolt R/C doesn't sell metal sheet table tops - it's too costly to ship. You'll need to acquire something locally.
Acquire a steel sheet building table top from your local metal supply store/shop. It's best to visit the metal shop in person, so that you can see the options - also bring a magnet! Test the material so that you know it is magnetic. Metal shops will usually custom cut the sheet to the exact size you need. Try to get something that is "coated" or painted so that it will resist rust. Also, often these metal shops have off cuts, or scrap available at a discount. Pick up a smaller piece (2ft x 3ft) for a secondary build table that can be useful for smaller assemblies - rudders, stabs, ailerons, etc.
Tape the aircraft plans to the Metal Table Top - you may want to protect the plans by covering them with Plan Protector, Wax Paper, or Poly plastic - anything that you can see through, and that will keep glue, etc. off the plans.
Lay parts (Spars, Stringers, Ribs, Formers, etc) over top of plans, and use Magnets and Magnetic Fixtures to align and hold these parts in position and to the plans.
We have standardized on a simple latch magnet that is three pieces - a magnetic core with two metal plates (or poles). These offer good holding power when used with a metal building board, and are economical.
These magnets can be used standalone to align parts and hold assemblies in place. These magnets are also used in multiples in many of our fixtures.
These fixtures allow parts to be held in position on the building board at a right angle. Perfect for aligning ribs on a wing build or formers on a fuselage build. Available in multiple heights - from 1.5" high to 6.5" high. Extensions can be added for additional height.
A Vertical Clamp can be added to a Right Angle Fixture for downward holding force.
These fixtures feature very strong rare earth magnets and a spring action arm that can hold down material up to 1/2" thick.
IMPORTANT: Magnets can move and impact with a lot of force when interacting with each other and with magnetic materials. Please handle with care.